November 19, 2023 - 7:30pm
We already had a great year on Sklotopolis, thanks to your support. So many outstanding things happened already this year and there is more to come.
Therefore, we are celebrating with a big black-friday sale in our shop from the 19th of November at 1:00 am CET until the 27th of November at 11:00 pm CET. We know that many of you love to gift Christmas presents to other players, so this is your...
November 18, 2023 - 7:30pm
We frequently have complaints about too many deeds on our islands. While we think that there is still enough open space, some players like to deed in areas without any neighbors close by, which makes Sklotopolis less interesting to them.
But we finally have a solution for this problem, Caza will be our new option for people who want to go the extra mile to be able to deed on a mostly untouched...
November 17, 2023 - 9:00am
Added Mini pets to the shop
Made sure Mini pets are more common in loot chests
Added a silver bundle with a mass discount to the shop
Reduced backup lag
Fixed a login issue caused by Steam
Fixed a bug in which some mini pet models crashed the client
Made unscaleable mini pets unavailable for players
Fix a bug which made it possible to use depleted jewelry
November 3, 2023 - 9:00am
It is Friday again which means Sklotopolis patch day. Next to a small bug fix, we are proud to announce another two big mods created by our one and only Danky added to Sklotopolis, which will bring some nice new mechanics into the game, and finally gems will have real usage.
You can no longer create waxing kits with the model beeswax, to avoid accidentally wasting your kit.
Added Danky's socket...
October 20, 2023 - 1:30pm
Fixed a bug in the vanilla Wurm Unlimited server causing a “Connecting to server…” endless loop if Steam takes longer than 5 seconds to validate the authentication
Hero accounts can now switch servers using the ivory wand
October 13, 2023 - 1:30pm
Fixed a bug in Sermon Tracker that caused server crashes.
October 6, 2023 - 1:30pm
GMs can now automatically remove tower guards from towers in case a tower needs to be destroyed or moved.
Hero GMs can now cross servers using the wand of teleportation
Fixed a bug when retrieving tabards causing Merry Christmas to be shown when it is not Christmas
Added new wagon without canvas (open wagon)
Added new wagon with Wagoner skin
Added tabard with skin Apocalypse Order
Added tabard...
September 22, 2023 - 1:30pm
Fixed refund timer always allowing refunds. You can now only refund if the model is less than 15 minutes old.
Model examine text will now show whether the model is secured to the ground, as well as the creator's name.
Pre-made molds will now rename the kit to reflect what it will be.
Added a new GM action to make editing model data easier.
August 18, 2023 - 1:30pm
Fixed images for snow globes not showing tabards after the server move.
Fixed images for shop items not showing after the server move.
June 16, 2023 - 1:30pm
Added an untame action when you right click a creature you tamed.
Renamed treasure chests / maps to loot chests / maps to avoid confusions with their value.
Added more items as shop items which will be available soon.